Saturday, June 21, 2008

Change for the better.

Our society is continually on the move. Life is always changing and we feel have to change in order to keep up. We change schools, we change jobs, we change friends, we change opinions, we change homes, we change cities where we live and we even often change our spouse.

Why are we doing this?

John Maxwell in his book titled Today Matters, suggests one reason is that we are looking for success. 
He says " We believe success is impossible, so we criticise it. We believe success is mystical, so we search for it. We believe success comes from luck, so we hope for it. We believe success is productivity, so we work for it. We believe success comes from opportunity, so we wait for it. We believe success comes from leverage, so we power up for it. We believe success comes from connections, so we network for it. We believe success comes from recognition so we strive for it. We believe success is an event, so we schedule it."

Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People quotes "Many people think that if they were only in some other place, or had some other job, they would be happy. Well that is doubtful. So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don't put off being happy until some future date."

How often do we see people change jobs because they're "not happy". They start the new job and in a short time they're again "not happy". They change homes for the same reason and with the same result. The list of things that they change goes on and on, all with the same result, they're still "not happy". They want success in their life, yet it is elusive.

If one of the reasons our society is continually changing is that we are looking for success then I certainly believe in knowing what we want and going for it.
Change for the sake of change doesn't do it for me.

The correct use of positioning can however, be of great value.
Positioning is about being in the right place to allow a positive change to take place.
If you have a problem with alcohol and wish to correct this area of your life, then it would make sense not to continue frequenting bars. However, it is sometimes not that easy. You must position yourself so that going to the bar is not an option. Sadly this may involve changing friends. This is where most people have trouble because it is in their friends that they find their own identity and changing friends means they will lose that identity.

People who are not happy in their job often cite poor pay or conditions as the reason. I often find that it is their attitude that is poor because other things in their life are not going well.
We need to look at ourselves and ask, Why am I having a problem in this area?

If it's your attitude then get a better one. Stop confiding in negative people. 
As Dale Carnegie, also quotes: "Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain, and most fools do."
Find someone to whom you aspire and get alongside them.
Stop watching negative shows on TV and stop reading the gossip magazines. 
If it doesn't have a positive influence in your life then get rid of it.

Sometimes in our quest for greater success we take a job in another city. Where's the problem with this?
When we are successful, it is often as a result of not only our input but also the efforts of many other people who are alongside us. Put simply, they make us look good.
Take yourself out of this environment and go elsewhere and you will not have this same support network which you previously relied upon. If we haven't recognised the fact that others have contributed to our success then we may be setting up to fail.

Position yourself in such a way that you will have a good support network of friends and mentors. If you don't already have this network, then start getting one today.
Position yourself in such a way that you will have every chance of becoming a better person, leader, parent, spouse, sibling or friend.

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