Saturday, June 7, 2008

Church "Pirates"

Wow, I've just listened to this gem from Ed Young.
Ed's a straight shooter and again pulls no punches.

We belong to a church that has just had a voluntary change of leadership and it's amazing how many people were led away by "pirate" leaders from our own church.
These so called leaders really are building on a foundation of deceit. They should question the loyalty of their new members because, if they were so easily led once, they will do so again.

On a positive note, those who have remained are many and the numbers of new converts are growing by the week. Building on a solid foundation you see.

I recently viewed a great message on leadership from Ps Alun Davies. I can't post it here though. It's too big and I haven't got it anyway. 
I'll try and find where it can be sourced. Read about his great church here.

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