Saturday, November 8, 2008


Peter Irvine, co-founder of Gloria Jean's Coffees writes: People who are in a negative state of mind will usually exaggerate the situation. They will often declare,"Everyone says this won't work!" or "Everyone thinks we should give up!" There have been many occasions where people have come to me and made similar statements such as, "Everyone is doing it this way." But when you ask who everyone includes, almost always you'll find that everyone ends up being one or two people. So in response to these sweeping statements, I learned to ask the question, "Who is everyone?" It's actually never anyone.

Too many unfair judgements have been made through ignorance. Have all the information in front of you before you pass judgement on a situation or on someone. After all, that's what you would want others to do to you.

He goes on to say.....

Negativity stunts your growth. If you have a negative attitude, you will stop growing; you will stop making wise decisions and this will slow your progress. People with a negative mindset tend to believe that every decision they make will bring about a poor result. If you are like that, you need to fight those thoughts by reminding yourself of your successes. You need to remind yourself of what you have achieved to date and start to develop and more balanced, positive attitude. By maintaining a negative spirit, you limit your effectiveness in the present and you sabotage your future; you stop moving towards the resources that will eventually bring you success.

So you see that viewing every situation from a negative point of view is not a great way to manage your business, run your life or maintain relationships with other people. It's so easy to be negative with other people, but we have to learn to be positive and to see the best in each situation. We have to get away from the ceiling mentality in which we believe we have reached the ceiling or the potential in our business or relationships. if you believe you have achieved all that you can ever achieve, then you must believe that there are no more opportunities for you.

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