Saturday, September 6, 2008

Strength or weakness?

John Maxwell says "One of the ways that you can tell your working in an area of strength is that it actually gives you energy. Even if you are in the early stages of your career or are starting out on a new venture and your not very good at something your doing, you can still tell it's an area of strength by paying attention to how you respond to your failures.
Mistakes that challenge you show your areas of strength.
Mistakes that threaten you show your areas of weakness."

We're told that we should always work to our strengths. This is another way of identifying those strengths

Have you ever thought about how your reaction to mistakes and failures may point to your areas of strength and weakness? It's an interesting thought.

Some mistakes motivate us to get it right, to do better, while others seem to make us defensive, unmotivated or angry.
Paying attention to the mistakes that challenge and motivate us will help us focus on our areas of strength.
Continuing to work in areas where mistakes threaten us will only succeed in making us unhappy and unmotivated.

When you encounter mistakes or failures that appear to motivate you take note, as they could be an area of strength for you and one which you can continue to focus on.

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