Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pressure produces opportunity.

Have you ever found yourself in a pressure situation? A situation where decisions need to be made. Decisions that could effect other people. Decisions that could see you lose favour with others. Making such decisions will be centred on your core convictions and beliefs.
Some people don't know what they believe in. Some are not committed to anything and are easily swayed.
What are your beliefs? Where do you stand?
Your convictions and beliefs are central to your decision making. They ground you and establish the pattern for your life.

Every decision you make will produce an opportunity. If you make a decision to run a red light, you may have the opportunity to pay a fine. You may also have the opportunity to experience what it feels like to have an accident and you may also experience what it feels like to be responsible for the death of another human being. A seemingly small decision can have far reaching effects.
Central to the decision of running that red light is the belief that chances of getting caught are slim and what harm can it do anyway.

Without strong conviction and beliefs you will be prone to making poor decisions that may have negative outcomes. There is a difference between living with conviction and living by consequences.

Pressure situations provide us with the opportunity to make decisions based on our convictions and beliefs. When we stand firm on these convictions and beliefs they will help us determine right from wrong.
A decision, based on what you feel is right in your heart, will always be the best decision. It may not be the most popular and it may not endear you to many though nonetheless, a right decision it is.


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