What does negativity do for us?
Well it would be safe to say that it limits us. But just how much does it limit us?
Negativity will put a ceiling on our
We can't imagine good things happening to us or our situation.
We also have a negative influence on those around us. That's right, we can effect other people and situations by our negative thought process. When, perhaps, we are asked for an opinion or for advice, what we say will possibly influence the other persons thinking.
Negativity will limit our
Our negative mindset will only allow us to be critical of others. We will limit them in our eyes and mind and so we won't believe in them. This is very damaging when we affect those close to us by limiting them and their achievements. When we don't believe in them we will not encourage them or their dreams.
Negativity will influence our
We will draw to us people who think as we do. This will succeed in then creating a group of like minded people who think nothing good will come out of any situation. Birds of a feather, flock together.
Negativity will effect our
Because we think nothing good will happen to us, our decisions will not be bold and we won't strive to achieve what seems to be difficult. We will stay in the safe zone because after all "it wouldn't work anyhow".
This will limit our
present and our
Being negative is a habit.
Do you think being positive could also be a habit?
What would happen if we turned negative thoughts into positive?
Could that negative opinion not be offered?
What if instead, we offered encouragement?
Are our friends negative? Would it be possible to seek positive friends?
Are our decisions limited because we believe in a negative outcome?
What would happen if we believed in a positive outcome?
What would happen?
would happen?