Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dare to be you.

My advice to you is this: Learn to be you, learn to go with your passion and your vision. Yes, listen to people. Yes, read books. But learn to make your own decisions and do not allow other people to set your vision. This is what Peter Ivrine, C0-Founder of Gloria Jean's Coffees, had to say about being an individual.
He goes on to say; Another principal I have learned is that as you grow and develop, you need to take the high road. By this I mean that you and I should always look to take the innovative road, the road of excellence. People with large vision find that their road is less congested. On the other hand it's extremely busy and congested on the low road. Everyone expects to operate there. It's the expected route. It's the route that often presents fewer obstacles, although I believe that on the low road you are going to face obstacles. Whether you take the high road or the low road, you cannot actually avoid problems and difficulties in life.

Benjamin Franklin described insanity as "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Author John Maxwell says he has met people who tell him that they've had ten years experience, and yet he discovers they've actually had one years experience ten times. They have been doing the same things the same way for ten years.

Look around you. Look at people who are successful. Odds are they are the ones who have dared to be different. They will be the ones who stopped doing it the way everyone else was doing it. They will be the ones who took the high road. They knew that in order to be successful they were going to face obstacles, they just wanted to face different obstacles in order to reach a higher level. These people took the innovative road, the road of excellence.

They took their vision, took a route of innovation and excellence and they achieved higher levels of success than their competitors even thought possible.

Do you have a vision? Do you have goals? What are you doing about it?

Learn to be you. Dare to be you.

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